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Synergy MTSS Screenshot
Synergy Education Platform logo

Synergy® Education Platform (Synergy EP®) unites multiple K-12 data management solutions in one seamless ecosystem, creating systemwide data connections that help improve administrative processes and learning outcomes without the hassle of third-party system integrations. Synergy provides the power, flexibility, and comprehensive functionality you need with fewer software licenses, fewer vendors, and a single point of contact to get support for everything.

Student Information Management

Streamline processes, automate state reporting, and simplify administrative tasks districtwide.

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Create and administer assessments, measure and analyze student performance, and advance student achievement.

Assessment icon

Learning Management

Simplify teaching and learning, connect people and resources, and transform the classroom experience.

LMS icon

MTSS Management

Simplify tiered intervention and positive behavior management to help underperforming students get back on track.

MTSS icon

Special Education Management

Manage the special education process start to finish within a collaborative environment that better serves student learning needs while ensuring compliance.

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Synergy Analytics

Bring all of your district data together in one place with visual, interactive dashboards that support data-driven decision-making in real time.

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Parent & Student Engagement

Strengthen the home-school connection with specialized portals and mobile apps that give parents and students real-time performance data and much more.

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Mobile Apps

Empower stakeholders to get things done anytime and anywhere with role-based mobile apps for every major user type.

Mobile Apps icons

ST Development Toolkit

Get even more customization capabilities, including the ability to build your own fully integrated custom applications.

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