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Synergy® helps you streamline administrative to-dos, including multi-step processes related to attendance, discipline, scheduling, health, online registration, student programs, activity eligibility, special education and 504 processes, reporting and more.

Keep Processes on Track

Synergy provides the tools you need to help multi-step processes along from start to finish, no matter how many users are involved.


Synergy makes it easy for all stakeholders to communicate and share information and resources with individuals, pre-defined groups, and ad-hoc lists.

Emergency Response & Reunification

In the event of an emergency, a school or district administrator can launch an interactive Emergency Response Screen that allows teachers to report on student status and students to submit self-reports. Any smartphone can be used for teacher and student status updates, and logging in to Synergy is not required. Administrators are able to see up-to-the-minute counts and can make updates on behalf of any staff member before sending the report to emergency responders. When students arrive at the designated reunification center, they can check themselves in or staff can assist with check-in. Check-out is staff assisted and captures information about the parent, guardian, or emergency contact picking up the student.